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TD Q60 Shadow Twist

Madness 2



track design


a screen shot from the race
download TD Q60 Shadow Twist
see the included read me for install tips


  ShadowTwist is the 3rd race in the Quick 60 series. The Quick 60 series features tracks with best times near a 60 second lap. The short courses provide tight racing and hot lap attempts.

  This race is my third design to begin with a warm up lap that weaves along work roads and trails surrounding the primary race area. Sharp riders get a chance to be out front for the big entrance to the track.   

  Learn how to go fast here... you will have an easier time keeping postion in the first few laps. I have included the warm up lap to highlight my fascination with Motocross Madness 2 and its ability to portray large enviroments, You may notice the displacement maps and textures have been tiled to provide a seamless transition.

  This race track features custom Shadow Render texture maps by VRT_MCMNut ( Jeff Hamblin ). Jeff has crafted a complete process for casting tree and object shadows in 3dsMax. He created two custom applications; Max Calculator and ArmadilloEnviroScripter.
Max Calculator lets you translate grid scale and height dimensions between the Armadillo and 3DsMax enviroments so the terrain will appear very similar in both programs.
ArmadilloEnviroScripter creates a Maxscript that will place tree objects throughtout a 3DsMax scene in exactly the same place as they appear in Armadillo.
Jeff continues to develop a custom scriptwriter that he is using to place the objects in Max.
This track is TwistedDirt's third and most ambitious attempt to feature true object shadow casting which is fully coordinated with the game lighting.
You can Check Out DogBite SX and Shadow Canyon at twisteddirt.com for earlier examples.

  Hats off and many cheers to Jeff for all the work developing shadow renders.

  This is another example of a track design that was heavily influenced by Old_Robin's classic Limestone Mountain National track. The short straights, quick jumps and smooth flat turns require good timing and make for fun side by side racing.

  Check out the three ghost races I have included. They are straight up the middle runs that are lots of fun to race against.

download TD Q60 Shadow Twist
see the included read me for install tips

Thanks to all the Twisted Dirt crew for supporting my track design work by test riding the track, providing ghosts, and offering comments, suggestions, and encouragement


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