
Blind Mule Pass is the first of the Sketch Out Race Series. It is experimental in nature and a departure from my previous designs which I spent months developing before release. The Sketch Out courses are less finished and more of a first take on a idea.
I would like to thank Turtle for hosting a great Winter 2001 MCM2 track making contest and for awarding Blind Mule Pass a 9th place in the nationals category. Thanks Turtle!

As you jump from the start line you will see that this course demands discipline. A sharp rider will be rewarded with big big jumps and sweet smooth rollouts. It is going to take a few laps to learn how to stick these landings. You are going to love flying blind towards a perfect landing.
This event features custom objects, including some kinda cool bridges which you get duck under, fly over or ride on. Remember! if it looks crazy... try it. It's a line :-).

This is the main track area texture map

This is a perimeter tile texture map |
download Blind Mule Pass
see the included read me for install tips |
to all the Twisted Dirt crew for supporting my track design
work by test riding the track, providing ghosts, and offering
comments, suggestions, and encouragement