Scramble is a fresh new design that I created very quickly
over a six day period. It is a fast course that looks real simple
yet requires good timing to get a fast lap. When you learn the
lines you will be tempted run WFO but to get a clean lap you
will need to know when to go and when to hold back.
This track uses lots of ideas learned while riding other designer's
tracks. Features
like the smooth flat turning areas and quick jumps over rough
sections come from riding lots of laps on Limestone
Mountain by Old_Robin. The
bumpy ruts and grooves are inspired by MCMNut's
Dogbite SX. After many many laps on
Dogbite I realized that the variety created by the ruts satisfied
my appetite for multi line track layouts. I also learned that
the racing is more competitive when the lines are so closely
spaced. The
use of Placement maps for locating the trees and bushes is
inspired By Maui Cool's vegetation
tutorials and the recent scripting work of MCMNut and AMA_Dirttwister
regarding vegetation file manipulations. Riding
Natural High by X_WFO
has shown me how subtle but precise tree placement can help
outline and guide you thru the course. Farmyard Scramble uses
the vegetation in a variety of ways to outline the course
where I might have previously used an object like a banner
or haybale. When
I first saw Fixer's Crosstown
it really struck me as cool because I am focusing my interests
on making a "realistic" track. The houses in Farmyard
Scramble are inspired by the great collection of objects FIXER
made for Crosstown.
previous tracks have been a mix of settings but they have
all tended to be fantasy or surreal designs inspired by skateboarding
surfing and bmx. In October 2001 My wife and I took a vacation
drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway to see the leaves change.
I spent most of the drive looking out the window observing
the terrain and vegetation and what I came to discover is
that almost everything other than true wilderness has been
parceled and bordered with treelines or fences. I became fascinated
with the notion that the patterns I was seeing could be used
to help create a sense of realism in MCM2 tracks.
began an enduro package called Bourbon Slur
in November (Look for it someday :-) that depicted a small
farm crossroads with several houses and fenced yards, a co-op
and silos etc all surrounded by row crop fields and a desert.
I made the mailbox, streetlamp, basketball hoop and power
pole models at this time.
You will notice several large Agricultural theme models. The
large materials dispersal tank station is a leftover from
Alpina Twist experiments. Its one of
the models that had to be removed before public release of
the track. I was pleased to have it available for use here. The
water sprayer systems were built just for this track. I had
a work related trip in the middle of this project and was
lucky enough to observe several sprayers in real life while
cruising on the interstate. The
barb wire fence was made for this track to compliment the
treelines along the roadway.
a texture map with tree shadows was rendered and added Then
I made a panorama in Bryce and built a skycube with mountains
and lots of fluffy clouds.
think its a fun fun course. Check it out, find a line and
hammer away on this one.
to all the Twisted Dirt crew for supporting my track design
work by test riding the track, providing ghosts, and offering
comments, suggestions, and encouragement