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TD Mutant Newton Twist

Madness 2



track design


a screen shot from the race
download TD Mutant Newton Twist
see the included read me for install tips


  Mutant Newton is my contest entry for the Turtles Roostway and RFJZone Fall 2002 Track Design Contest.
  This is a really hard long lap with lots of different terrain features that pretty much sums up all the styles I have been playing with. Its got some WFO, a bunch of braking, a bit o perfect rhythm, some techy, a little forest trails, and oh yeah, some crazy objects. There are a few sounds added...just for fun. This is my second attempt at dillo2, so I put some aircraft in for curiousity. I like them :-). Thanks Laurie.

 The terrain is 100 percent photoshop painting, no terrain editors this time out. It's tiled so you get an endless terrain effect. The Texture Map is done with Armadillo's tga export and Photoshop layering. There are a handful of new objects that I made just for this contest track and they are all less than 2 weeks old so pleas don't think I was holding back. They were all made spontaneously as the track evolved and I will add them as a zip update as soon as the contest is over. The objects look like shortcuts but maybe they are not... who knows? The vegetation is all hand placed using placement maps and AMA_Dirttwister's Genplacement program. The custom Sky was done in Bryce 5 and cubed with AMA_Dirttwister's Skywalker program. Thanks Bruce :-).
  As Always APM by MCMNut is essential for project management and I use it constantly when beta testing the track. Thanks Jeff.
  I did not get a chance to add shadows this time, but I hope too soon. I also want to add a bunch of cars. (am I dreaming?)
 Thanks to Fixer for the info and encouragement with Dillo2 animation. Thanks to Aus_Rocket and GDI_Bulldog for the test rides, comments and support.
  This track has a lot more lines than meets the eye and the wide spline encourages exploring. Have some fun, this is a track that willl take a lot of laps to find the groove.

Good Luck out there

  Finally I would like to dedicate this track to our recently deceased friend Scumbiker AKA Jack Wenger. His track design work is a great inspiration for me, and I am still searching out lines on many of his tracks. I will miss him. Thanks Jack.

download TD Mutant Newton Twist
see the included read me for install tips

Thanks to all the Twisted Dirt crew for supporting my track design work by test riding the track, providing ghosts, and offering comments, suggestions, and encouragement


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