Well that is about it. I would like to thank Bruce Atkinson (AMA_Dirttwister) and Jeff Hamblin (MCMNut) and Laurie (mcm2boys) for all the utilities that I rely on to manage the track design process. I depend on APM, skywalker, GenPlacement, Dillo Too, and other utilities they have written, everytime I work on a track.
Special thanks to Fixer, Maui_cool, VRT_MCD, VMX_ELDiablo, OCR_DirtFool, and mcm2_boys for taking the time to download and test ride beta versions of this track. Their specific advice and insights helped make this track so much better than it would have been.
I also very much appreciate the beta riding ZONE sessions I share with my riding bros Harmon (h2omon) and Wes (wesleman). Their friendship and generosity of test riding time on the same track over and over and over again is very much appreciated. Finally I want to thank my wife Gia who is so nice and supportive of the time I spend doing this stuff.
Thanks to all of you.
I hope you enjoy riding TD Tiny Tricks Twist,
April 08, 2003