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TD Tiny Tricks Twist

Madness 2



track design


a screen shot from the race
download TD Tiny Tricks Twist
see the included read me for install tips

  TD Tiny Tricks Twist is a very compact track with twisty narrow lanes. The track is set in a sinkhole hidden in the middle of a nasty beat-up mismanaged farming area. The area has been used for Pine tree farming for several harvests and now the soil is completely barren and nearly devoid of life. The sinkhole has survived as an oasis in the middle of all this because it was just plain easier to avoid harvesting the trees that were protected by the rocks, crevices and jungle like growth.
  Luckily the Twisted DIRT boys have found out about this hidden gem and now we have a great little private playground to test our best riding skills. Get out the brush guards and spray on some insect repellent... this track is for the tough guys out there.

  Look for a 40 second lap, but to get there you will need to practice this course and find the one true groove. This is a home boys track. You have to own it to ride it fast. Its great for racing... a 10 sec lead doesn't mean much until the race is over. Any one can loose control at any time here. The course will keep you honest. Find yourself behind? Keep riding... there is no telling what can happen. You may find the leader laying on the side of trail before it is all over.

image: main tile texture

   This track is a continuation of my exploration into extremely small MCM2 track designs. I am very interested in the way that the small track prevents a build up of unrealistic speed. I think this forces a rider to really push the limits of the MCM2 bike physics and get a handle on cotrolling the bike with Brakes, gyro, etc. Who knows... its just an idea I am working with.

  The nature sounds are from my private collection of field recordings. They are from Corkscrew Swamp National Sanctuary (the Audobon Society's private sanctuary in SW Florida) and the Apalachicola National Forest in NW Florida. I hope you enjoy the ambience they provide.
As far as the sounds go I want to make a special point of thanking Laurie (mcm2_boys) for his dedication to the development of Dillo Too. We used this project as a test bed to debug Dillo Too's sound placement and packing features. We got a lot of things worked out testing this project. I think it is so cool that a guy who lives in the forests of North Florida USA and a guy from France can colaborate on an art project. Laurie, I could not have released this track without your attention to detail and willingness to make Dillo Too the great program it is. Thank You.

image: perimeter tile texture

  This is a full featured track. It has been completely tested and rides very smooth at 1024x768 with all settings at full quality on a 1400 Athlon system using a Radeon 8500 128mb. I hope the detail in this track offers an example of cohesive design utilizing all the features available to MCM2 track designers. I think the objects and sounds make the track a more complete experience. I very much hope you can enjoy this track at its full resolution.

download TD Tiny Tricks Twist
see the included read me for install tips

  Well that is about it. I would like to thank Bruce Atkinson (AMA_Dirttwister) and Jeff Hamblin (MCMNut) and Laurie (mcm2boys) for all the utilities that I rely on to manage the track design process. I depend on APM, skywalker, GenPlacement, Dillo Too, and other utilities they have written, everytime I work on a track.

  Special thanks to Fixer, Maui_cool, VRT_MCD, VMX_ELDiablo, OCR_DirtFool, and mcm2_boys for taking the time to download and test ride beta versions of this track. Their specific advice and insights helped make this track so much better than it would have been.

  I also very much appreciate the beta riding ZONE sessions I share with my riding bros Harmon (h2omon) and Wes (wesleman). Their friendship and generosity of test riding time on the same track over and over and over again is very much appreciated. Finally I want to thank my wife Gia who is so nice and supportive of the time I spend doing this stuff.

  Thanks to all of you.

  I hope you enjoy riding TD Tiny Tricks Twist,

April 08, 2003

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