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Chattahochee Bluff National Challenge

Madness 2



track design


a screen shot from the race
download Chattahochee Bluff National Challange
see the included read me for install tips

  This is a Nationals race track featuring my Chattahoochee Bluff Terrain. Its a great terrain for lap racing with all kinds of ways to get a fast time.
  This terrain was originally visioned as a Stunt lap with 7 jumps per circuit so you can set up back to back jumps. There is an incredible variety of lines within the lap which keeps it really interesting.
This layout uses a flat perimeter rather than the dramatic hills featured in the Stunt and Baja events. The simpler design benefits frame rate for fast racing thrills.

  The Race track is dramatic and wonderfully detailed. The terrain features interesting natural features that have been dressed with earth work especially for Motocross Stunt riding. You will find a wide variety of jumps as well as many groomed landing areas that encourage the wildest riding.

  The look and feel of this course is inspired by the eroded clay and sand hills found along the Chattahoochee River way. The gentle rolling hills of the southern pinelands are interupted by many gullies and bluffs where exposed layers of sediment create a western look.

download Chattahochee Bluff National Challange
see the included read me for install tips

I hope you enjoy riding this track.


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