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a free download Nationals course for Motocross Madness 2 this is the  Race ID image that appears in the MCM2 game

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download starwatch00s.zip smooth style
see the included read me for install tips

download starwatch00r.zip rocky style
see the included read me for install tips


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Armadillo info
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image of track layout for Starwatch StaircaseThis is a road style layout using the mcm2 national track format. It is a base terrain for what I hope will evolve into a variety of track designs including mx dirt with jumps and obstacles added. I want to add a lot of surprises to make staying on the road a challenge for the AI riders. In the meantime it seems like a great course for network racing Maybe someone will use it at the zone. :-) The Armadillo patch was released today as I was working on this track and I used it to compile the final tests. The new Armadillo features a low pass filter which really smooths out the terrain on your heightfield targa. It makes all your old terrians smoother than the last version and it also features a a click box for extra smoothing. I have released two versions of this track in a beta preview form. One is smoother than if created with the old Armadillo but I call it "rocky". The other was created with the smooth option so it is called "smooth". Check out the diferences for yourself by downloading both files. They don’t seem very different to me but they are a huge difference from the terrain created with the old Armadillo. I hope you enjoy these, lookout for updates. Please let me know what you think, Mike

download starwatch00s.zip
smooth style
see the included read me for install tips

download starwatch00r.zip
rocky style
see the included read me for install tips


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