a list of recipes > Paneer


This recipe makes approximately 18 ounces (by weight) of fresh Paneer Cheese.
Here is a good reference article: New England Cheese Making Supply Co.



Heat the Whole Milk in a large stock pot. Stir frequently and take care not to burn the milk.

Bring the milk to a frothy rolling boil. Watch carefully and prevent the froth from overflowing the pot. Stir and or lower heat as necessary.

When the milk is boiling constantly, pour the 2 cups of Buttermilk or 1 Teaspoon of Citric Acid into the pot.

Stir the mixture and watch the curds begin to form s they separate from the whey.

Continue to boil for a few minutes until you feel the curdling is complete, then turn of the heat and let the mixture cool for 15 minutes.

Prepare a strainer lined with cheese cloth bu placing it in a catch pan, bowl, sink etc.

Pour the curds and whey into the strainer to filter the curds from the whey.

Pull the cheese cloth out of the strainer and wrap the curd into a ball.

Hang the bundled curds over the catch pan and let it drain until it is drained and firm.

Set the whey aside for some other recipe.

Refigerate or freeze the Paneer and use it when you ready.