Custom Gate kit
is a custom gate, archway, hurdle... you name it, kind of thing that
you can use in your custom MCM2 tracks.
They have a gnarly look and appear to be built with a aluminum tube
girder assembly that you do not want to collide with. Cheese grater.
Two models: The kit includes a pair of gates.
One is regular size and the other is 1.5x times wider.
Cool feature: The pivot which is set at "ground level"
with the legs extending deep below. This makes for quick and easy
placement on sloped or uneven terrain.
Skin: The banner can be custom skinned with your favorite art
to give your tracks a unique look.
The texture map uses a transparency key. The 255,0,255 purple
renders as transparent in the game.
The 256x pixel map provides pretty good detail.
Please read the Twisted Dirt tutorials about using multiple instances
of a object. Try the Multiple Object Assistant utility available
at twisteddirt.
to all the Twisted Dirt crew for supporting my track design work.
hope you enjoy these custom objects, look out for other MCM2 stuff
from harmonic cycle design. Please let me what you think about the
free object giveaway idea,